Sangha support groups

Sangha support groups

With there being so much wisdom in our growing community of dedicated meditators it brings me much joy to share with you these Sangha support groups. Sangha support groups are run by community members to support the community as a whole. They are here to help us build wise friendships, to establish good habits, to practice accountability, and to learn new skills. Take a look at our current Sangha support groups below, and if you are interested in leading a group of your own you can apply here.

Online sangha support groups

Mondays 8:30-9:30pm CET (7:30-8:30pm UK time), Sunny Sangha group sitting with Josipa Bicanic

In this weekly group we will be coming together to practice loving-kindness (metta) meditation. The group is facilitated by Josipa Bianca who is a dedicated meditator and a mum. You can join the group for free, and we use English as the main language.
Contact Josipa

Tuesdays 7-8:30pm UYT (10-11:30pm UK time) Meditemos Uruguay Initiative with Ricardo Antúnez

In this weekly group we will be coming together for a Dhamma talk and group sitting. You are welcome to join us online or in person in Montevideo Uruguay. For more details see the in person group below. The group is facilitated by Ricardo Antúnez who is the founder and mentor at You can join the group for free, and we will use Spanish as the main language.
Contact Ricardo

Monthly group sitting and Dhamma discussion for Slovak meditators with Tomas

In this monthly group (8-9 PM CET, date specified in invitations) we invite Slovak speakers to come together for Dhamma discussion and a group sitting. The group is facilitated by Tomas Kleman who is a dedicated meditator. You can join the group for free, and the main language is Slovak.
Contact Tomas

Wednesdays 7-8pm EST (12am-1am UK time) Group sitting and inspirational reading together with Jonathan Crowley

In this biweekly group we will be coming together to spend half an hour in silent sitting, and half an hour reading together from topical, inspirational Dhamma books. The group is facilitated by Jonathan Crowley who is a long-term practitioner and Dhamma enthusiast. You can join the group for free, and we will use English as the main language.
Contact Jonathan

Thursdays 1:30-2:30 pm EST (6:30-7:30 pm UK time), Parts Work with Willie Kunert

In this biweekly group we will be coming together to practice giving wise attention to the various parts of our psychology that can keep us stuck. The group is co-facilitated by a number of Beth’s students.  The group is run by dana. A regular meditation practice is expected, and some experience with IFS/parts-work is helpful but not essential.
Contact Willie

Thursdays 5- 6:30 pm PT (1-2:30am UK time) Sutta Contemplation together with Ayya Ahimsa

In this weekly group we will be coming together to spend one and a half hour contemplating on a sutta, using prompting questions in an interactive format to cultivate inspiration. The group is facilitated by Ayya Ahimsa who is a long-term practitioner and Dhamma enthusiast. You can join the group for free, and we will use English as the main language.
Contact Ayya

Sundays 6- 7:30pm MT ( 1- 2:30am UK time)  Support and friendship group meeting together with Joan Lighbourne

In this weekly group we will be coming together and responding to the question “ How is your practice showing up in your life?” The prerequisite for joining is that you must be keeping the five precepts to the best of your ability, and be meditating for at least an hour per day. The group is facilitated by Joan Lightbourne, a dedicated practitioner. You can join the group for free, and we will use English as the main language.
Contact Joan

In-person sangha support groups

Every last Sunday of the month 9:45am- 4:45pm CET, Day retreat with Viktoria Broka, Skultes muiža, Latvia

Every last Sunday of the month we will be coming together for an in-person daylong retreat. The day will include some opening chants, group sittings, a light lunch and a metta circle. There will also be some time for reading suttas and light conversation. The group is facilitated by long-term Dhamma practitioner Viktoria Broka. You can join the group for free, and we use English as the main language.
Contact Viktoria

Mondays 10-11:30am UYT, Meditemos Uruguay Initiative, public library “Amado Nervo,” Montevideo, Uruguay with Ricardo Antúnez

In this weekly group we will be coming together for a Dhamma talk and group sitting. You are welcome to join us online or in person in Montevideo Uruguay. For more details see the online group above. The group is facilitated by Ricardo Antúnez who is the founder and mentor at You can join the group for free, and we will use Spanish as the main language.
Contact Ricardo